Sunday, September 26, 2010


Normally I don't really care much about celebrity news, but when I went to check my e-mail, this headline caught my attention...

Lindsay Lohan spends less than a day in LA jail

The well-known actress Lindsay Lohan was arrested for illegal drug abuse, but she was released from jail by posting a $300,000 bail. Originally she was supposed to stay in jail for 30 days, but she got out within a day. Her problems were all solved by money.
I don't like how rich people just use money to solve their problems, but here what disgusts me even more is the "justice" system of the court. "Um yeah, we can totally let you go if you'd give us tons of money". Isn't that basically bribing?

So it means that whatever the criminal did, if he's/she's just rich and have the ability to post a bail, then everything's okay. If he/she posts a bail, he/she is not a true criminal. Is this what they call "justice"? Or maybe "ju$tice" is the better term. In the world there aren't just one kind of criminals. Not all criminals are poor and can't afford to post a bail. Rich criminals do exist, and they probably have done even more cruel and inhumane things with all the power they've got out from their money.

With a "ju$tice" system like this, rich criminals are easily released and continue to wander around in society. With a "ju$tice" system like this, rich criminals aren't afraid of anything. They can exploit as much they want. "Arrest? Who cares? I can continue my juicy exploits after feeding them money!"
Makes me feel that the current "ju$tice" system there is money-driven.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe they let her out like that. It is not fair! So rich people can just get away with anything just because they are rich!? Then why is it called justice. Before they put rich people in jail they should just tell them "give me $500, and I will let you out." Does that mean people who are poor suffer more because they don't have bail money? That makes no sense, I think people should stay in jail for as long as the judge says, and they can't get out early unless they have good behavior or something.
    And I really like the way you spelled "ju$tice" it is very clever.
