Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Satanic Rapists.

(I apologize for the blunt, shocking title.)

In Russia, a medical student has lead an organization, named the "Noble Order of the Devil", worshipping Satan for about seven years, and finally in February he was arrested and put to trials.

The "rituals" of the organization were decadent and involved sexual abuse and violence against minors.

Then in July, the head of the organization received a 20-month prison term.

Now here is what I am not so content about. I think 20 months is not enough. First of all, the worshipping was done for seven years. Imagine how many women he violated during those seven years? And most of the women were still minors, which adds oil to the flames. I also read an article describing a similar incident--except that the act of murder was involved instead of rape, and the victimizer was charged a sentence ten times heavier. The head of the "Noble Order of the Devil" and his assistants might not have murdered anyone, but the crime of raping minors shouldn't be taken "too easily".

This might lead to a slightly different topic. What I'm deeply concerned about are the continuing lives of the victims. When a person murders someone, a life is gone, it is stolen. I think the same thing goes for rape. Though the victim is still alive, he/she might suffer trauma for the rest of his/her life. His/her life is stained and damaged, but he/she still has to continue wander around society with her soul-less flesh, diabolic memories attached to it and haunting him/her.

However, since the victims in this incident ARE still alive biologically, and are still young, there are chances that they can heal their seemingly permanent scars, and get back to their peaceful lives. Therefore, what I really want to say, is NOT that rape=murder,and  is NOT that the sentences for murder and rape should be eqaul. What I really want to say is that rape should be taken seriously as murder and should be charged with a more appropriate penalty.

Original Article [1] [2]

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I have one question. These women or children or whoever that was abused in these cases how were they brought there originally. I know of groups that have minors join cults and then brain washing them into thinking these abuse are rightful. Is this the case for this satanic group of people or did they kidnap or attack these victims.
