Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wear Purple on 10/20!

Recently I've been hearing a lot of news about teenagers being bullied because of being homosexual and then committing suicide. I don't know if these kind of things are occurring around the world, but I least I know that even only in the US there were many of these cases. Every time I hear these kind of news, they sadden me. The victims didn't deserve to be bullied for being who they just happened to be. And as for the bulliers, they should understand that being homosexual isn't anything wrong or something to laugh at. People can love anyone they love, or want to love.

October 20th, Wednesday, was what we call it the "Spirit Day". I wasn't aware about this at all, until I saw a blog post in a social network. Everyone encouraged everyone to wear purple, in memory of those teenagers who released themselves from this ugly society, to support the LGBT youth, and to show spirit! On that day, I wore purple, many bloggers wore purple, many posts were purple-themed. Even the blue layout of the social network turned into purple!

While browsing through the purple posts, I felt somekind of warmth inside. It was very nice to see that many people actually care about the issue. In my case, in my "real life", nobody around me wore purple to show spirit (I can't blame them though, since they might have been unaware of the "Spirit Day"). However, on that social network, I could see millions of caring people gathered together. I could actually empathize with a homosexual teenager too: if I were him/her looking through all the supporters' posts, I would have cried tears of bliss. Whoever said that social networks are destructive (in many ways), I would say I disagree with him. A lot of individuals have gained confidence and were encourage by the power of netizens' support.

External article: [1]

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