Saturday, November 27, 2010

Because you're different.

Anti-Bullying Starts in First Grade

This article is about a little girl in first grade, who gets teased because she likes Star Wars and brings a boyish Star Wars water bottle to school.

Lately I'm hearing a lot of news about bullying and I cannot believe that this is happening to little children who just entered elementary. These kids won't probably push someone to commit suicide like some young adults have done, but it would definitely decrease someone's self-esteem, which I think it'll be an issue, since self-esteem during childhood does affect a lifetime self-esteem. How and in what environment one is raised does affect how one would be when he/she becomes an adult.

What I realized from these news and related articles, is that bullying is not only caused by intolerance, but it is also happening just because the victim is being different. Or bluntly speaking, simply being who they are. LGBT teens getting bullied because they are not straight, because they just happen to be sexually attracted to the same sex, because they are not "normal". A little girl other kids make fun of because she is different, likes Star Wars more than what many girls usually like. Same thing goes to racism: certain people are mistreated because they look different, speak differently, and act differently.

I do understand that the definition of "normal" is defined by what the majority is like, and these standards are fixed for a long, long time that they are all planted in people's minds, but it doesn't mean that being "abnormal" is wrong. What is wrong in being who you are, and liking what you like? Do we even have any right to force them to deject their identity and interests? Also, what is so repulsive about being different? Being different is also being unique, and I think it is a good thing. You get meet new "faces" learn from them, see from their point of view, and eventually your soul gets enriched and your vision is broadened.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds of cases where young people commit suicide due to constant bullying. The bullies themselves may not realise that their "jokes" are going too overboard and can cause such great damage. People should be different. Different is good. We should never outcast those who are different. :)
